Spaß am Flughafen

Keinen Bock mehr auf die gelangweilten Schlipsgesichter morgends am Flughafen? Wie wäre es, mal wieder so richtig auf die Kacke zu hauen? So wie früher. Wie Bart Simpson. Lassen wir doch einfach mal Herrn al-Quaida und Mr. Terrorist ausrufen:

The satirical show’s executive producer, Julian Morrow, said two tickets were booked online under the names „Mr Al Kyder“ and „Mr Terry Wrist“ for an 8.30am Virgin Blue flight from Sydney to Melbourne.
He picked up the boarding passes using the airline’s self-serve computers, which do not require proof of photo identification.
Then, after deliberately failing to board the plane, an announcement was made over the airport’s loud speaker system.
„Good morning ladies and gentleman,“ the announcement said. „This is the final boarding call for [name withheld], [name withheld], Al Kyder, [name withheld], and Terry Wrist, all travelling to Melbourne today on Virgin Blue flight 822.“

[ # via $KOLLEGE ]