Sunlog 2.2 export script for WordPress

I wrote a simple database export-script for Sunlog 2.2. It is a first try, read the information below carefully and BACKUP YOUR DATABASE before you try it.

Sunlog 2.2 export script Version 0.2 (4k)
Sunlog 2.2 export script Version 0.1 (4k)

* Sunlog 2.2 export-script for WordPress
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Thomas Mellenthin (melle at gmx d0t at)
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Changelog
* =========
* Version 0.2 12/21/04
* - fixed missing 'read-more' links
* - fixed problem concerning articles that are in multiple categories
* Version 0.1 07/22/04
* - initial Version
* Warning
* =======
* This script is a quick hack, YOU WILL LOOOOOOSE ALL YOUR DATA !!!
* The generated sql-script will drop all users (including admin),
* articles and comments!
* Please check the resulting sql-script thoroughly, before you inject
* it into your database.
* Preconditions
* =============
* - You have a backup of your wordpress-database.
* If not, start the backup NOW!
* - adodb ( is used to access the database.
* Just unzip the adodb-archive and adjust the path to
* Usage
* =====
* - Adjust the database parameters (see below)
* - Upload this script and the adodb-tree to your webserver
* - Open your webbrowser, type the url (i.e. http://your.web.server/export_sunlog22.php)
* - A download-box will popup, save the sql-file to your harddrive
* - adjust the image-URLs, sunlog uses something like 'images/bunny.jpg', but the
* wordpress image-url will be ''. Do this by search
* and replace or use sed/awk/perl. My favorite toll is sed, so the command line will look
* like this:
* cat sunlog2wordpress.sql | sed 's/"\/images\//"\/http:\/\/\/wp-content\//g' > sunlog2wordpress_images.sql
* - copy all images from the sunlog images-folder to the wordpress wp-content folder
* - Inject the sql-statements into your wordpress database using phpMyAdmin or typing
* "mysql -u username -p wp_databasename < sunlog2wordpress_images.sql" * - login using 'admin' password 'admin', adjust categories and user levels * * * Bugs and flaws * ============== * * - Trackbacks are ignored (I can't test this, is there anybody who can send me * a database-dump containing trackbacks ? :-) * - All user are at level 1, you have to adjust this using the admin-account later * - All comments are anonymous, not assigned to registered users * - Categories with special characters (like !,?,&) are not allowed, rename them * before the export, else the url-names of these categories will be broken. * */